Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's been too long!

Hello lovelies :)

Sorry it has been so long since our last post. We have both been sort of MIA over the last few months due to our GRADUATING FROM HIGH SCHOOL! BAM! #SO AMPED!

Okay, so now on to the non-caps update.
I, Nelle, Finished my last day of high school on April 20Th. Early, i know. But hey, the second i received my official CHSPE results i was out-a their faster than you can say aloha. Not long after that Bella graduated! AAAHHH so exciting.

However, one of the most exciting things was that only a week later we were on a plane, to EUROPE!.
Okay, seriously, i'm sorry for the caps.

Europe was the time of our lives. Not exactly smooth sailing, but still quite enjoyable. We got to see all of the wonderful places we had dreamed about for so long. In a later post i will go more into our journey. :)

I am sorry for the long overdue update. I promise that we will be posting more now that the most hectic part of our summer is over.
