Saturday, January 21, 2012

Get To Know Us ☺

Hey guys, it's Nelle and Bella here. We decided to do a get to know me questionnaire so that you could get to know us. Haha. We will both be answering the questions, Bella in Pink, and Nelle in Black. M'kay, now on to the questions!!!


I'm a cat person.
Koalas, racoons, small rodents basically. Except rats.

Ewww, why would i want to do a sport. The closest thing to a sport that i would do is swimming.
Is shopping a sport?

Summer: shorts, shirtless guys, and tans. What's not to love?
Autumn, its not to hot, not to cold.

TV Shows
Teen Mom, Sixteen and Pregnant, Family Guy, sometimes Southpark, and Futurama.
Face Off, Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, CSI, Law and Order, NCIS, and Dance Moms.

Dr. Pepper, Tea, Coffee with way too much crap in it, and Pink Gatorade.
Pespi, Lemonaid, and H2O

Love Rosie, any and all of the Gossip Girl books, basicly any chick novel

I kinda like eveything, except country! ><
Everything!!! except for rap.
I like Christmas, and if my birthday counts. 
I like May Day

Sushi, Fried Chicken, Pretty much anything that's bad for you.
Penne Alfredo, Roast Chicken, and latkes.
I own 221 bottles of nail polish right now. Also I love Harajuku Lovers stuff, Hello Kitty, facebook, and anything pink anf glittery.
Makeup, collaging, fashion, youtube, Harry Potter.
Orange, Camo, Spiders, Bad Drivers,
Hate is a strong word. But i strongly dislike alot.
Plans For The Future
Preschool or kindergarden teacher and marry and have babies.Lots and lots of babies.
Travel the world, complete my bucket list, discover new stuff, and overcome my fears.

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